Location: Our Town, Our House in the que! Que!

billy jean is not my lover. I am a bastard secret. The kid id not my son. HEE! RC who shall not be named is a sexy beast. SEXY BITCH YOU BE - Yoda. You can dance if you want to, just leave your friends behind. Cuz if they don't dance oh if they don't dance, then they're no friend of mine.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

dramatic zozom in. slo mo. everythings better in sl mo

First of all, who wote that september video dialogue for Green Dasy? it's UTTERLY....*breath* HOOORRRIBLE!!! Ohhh my goodd... oh! I didn't see you there! I'm sorry. Come on in. I was just talking about thi s Green Day viedo. it's HOOORRRIBLE!!

Tpoi? sentence?? OH YA!



oohh.. I can't say the skeaky' (is bitc toioi affar? damn.. ) annpoying yappy perons's name. tourble. But... DON'T TOUCH ME! L.ike today. Thatr was beyond my personal bubble and I do not appreciate. You skinghatisi! EVIL GINGIVITIS! You rbrat...breath smeels like POOP.

DOUBLE LAYER! to the EXTEMEE! My snaggletooth's wlike WOAH!

cockatoo-dale doo! you're pipskeaky and annpoying too. POO.

who the hell are you?? messge por VOU!

commeeeeeeee E'S! a lto o E'S!

but not like chickenm. pees.
What? Chicken Butt.
Who? Chicken Poo.

Why chicken? ChicbaCKSPACEEEEE .....Why? Chicken pie. pi

NICKY STOKES and the STACHE! (MUSSSSS-stache) HEY mustache BOY! DRINK! ahaahahahahaWARRKICK BROWN

Dshe hasen't figured out our plan dude. I know. Snkeaky. like the mistress of santa cluse! have at you mistress!
In Sweden, is it Santas Claus? like tat guy in Aqua? the best song is candmyman

BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM I want you in my room shjdf jfsdk sdkksf f bub bub bup bup bbup baaaaa



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