hey. it's me here. just me and a cup a joe. alone though. am I allowed to post? I think so!
wow. that was a dramatic title. there. right there. up there. not in the sky, idiot - right there in the ttle.
why are criso...chriso commercials still on?
christmas is over! they so stooopid.
Weird movie. On Space. Why am I watching Demon Seed?
I dont kno. weird. some dde in it has really red shirt. reed shirt! red shirt! red rum? oh! SCARY!!! oh no! At leasy IO',m not as freaked out as when I sw those penis-on-a-bad-day slugs. that was hard to type with all the hyphens in there. I hope I didn';t write hymen. that's oh no I just did!! ahahahaa! ohg noo.
I'm really cravung cream of wheat. Why do I crave that? Why am I so weird/ ? I don't know. I talk like this sober, I feel.
ehehe I feel is totally borrowd from gibbs. sorry, girl! I borrowd - but I'll give it back! hehe.. borring is like visual karma. weird.
yah. I still want the cream of wheat.
holy shit.
this movies kinda creepy. some robot baby is coming out of a cute- cube
ewww its so damn weird
it's creeping me out man. ok guys? creepin me out.
what the hell? is this robot becoming a hiuman boy?
I'm a REAL boy!
hoy crap guys! that's totally hapoopening!
his voice is the same as the old british robot's though. thought you guys would want to now. know. not now. maybe later.
ok. I was wating for sam to get home, cuz she's gonna be on msn. but its late sam!
I hope you got home safe.
are you even going to read this thing? maybe. ok, yeah, cuz I';ll remember later when I'm sober and tell you about it. Why only sober? Because I'll get too paranoid and NOT tell you otherwise.
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